What We Believe

Our church is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.  With the universal Christian Church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod holds to the truth of the inspired and inerrant Word of God, Holy Scripture.  Also, with the Christian Church universal from the earliest centuries, our congregation confesses the three historic Creeds: the Apostles’, the Nicene and the Athanasian creeds.  These creeds teach the same faith as Scripture, but in a condensed form, so it is easier to learn.

Our pastor has sworn to teach Scripture only as it has been taught by the Lutheran Confessions.  Our congregation also holds these books to be the correct teaching of the faith.  Why are these books held to be so important?  It is because these 16th century writings are the true teaching of what Scripture says.  In previous times when various challenges to God’s clear Word were raised, the writers of the Confessions researched Scripture deeper to learn the truth of what God’s Word said, to answer those challenges.  To read more about the Lutheran Confessions, you can go online here at:  www.lcms.org OR at www.bookofconcord.org.

A great reference of our beliefs can be found in a series of pamphlets called the “What About?” Series.  These pamphlets were written by former Synod President Rev. Dr. A.L. Barry.  They address doctrinal topics, moral issues, and concerns in the church to help Christians grow in their understanding of these important questions.  You can find these online at:  http://www.lcms.org/belief-and-practice.

If you have any questions, contact our church.  We’d be glad to talk with you.